Race Results

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Loxton Gift - Feb 18th 2023

Event 577 - 70m Under 14 - Heat: 1
Wind Reading: -2.6 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 River Dowling Red0.00m 8.945 8.805
2 Taj Allen Green8.50m 9.373 9.233
3 Claire Hardy White2.75m 9.383 9.243
4 Phoenix Jackson Blue4.00m 9.479 9.339
5 Billy Rowston Black9.25m 9.661 9.521

Event 577 - 70m Under 14 - Heat: 2
Wind Reading: -1 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Scarlett Poole Green9.00m 9.162 9.113
2 Tyler Rowston White4.00m 9.346 9.297
3 Lilliana Hoffman Red2.75m 9.348 9.299
4 Zoe Palmer Yellow8.50m 9.384 9.335

Event 577 - 70m Under 14 - Final:
Wind Reading: -4.2 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 River Dowling Red0.00m 8.977 8.725
2 Scarlett Poole Black9.00m 9.238 8.986
3 Lilliana Hoffman Blue2.75m 9.386 9.134
4 Tyler Rowston Yellow4.00m 9.532 9.280
5 Claire Hardy White2.75m 9.561 9.309
6 Taj Allen Green8.50m 9.597 9.345

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